David Mc Knight, CFP®
My planning philosophy is to gather adequate reliable information about a client's personal financial situation; to determine the client's goals and objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance; to analyze all of the forgoing information in an objective manner and to develop recommendations for my clients based upon this thorough analysis and in the interest of rendering disinterested advice. In a planning engagement, I endeavor to consistently act in the interest of my client and to place the client's interest ahead of my own. Moreover, I believe that a client should be both informed and proactively involved in their personal financial affairs.
The material contained on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered an offering of any security or that Planned Financial Consultants (“PFC”) is offering tax or legal advice. PFC believes the source of information is reliable but cannot guarantee that the information contained therein is accurate and any expressed opinions are not necessarily those of PFC.
Can Home Improvements Lower Your Tax Bill? It Depends
Most home improvements are not tax deductible, but certain types of projects might help reduce your tax burden in other ways.
Eight Ideas for Smarter Holiday Shopping
Whether shopping online or hitting the mall this holiday season, these tips might help save time and money.
Investor, Know Thyself: How Your Biases Can Affect Investment Decisions
While traditional economic models assume that people make rational decisions, most humans don’t think like robots. This article summarizes some common biases that can influence financial decisions.
Financial Safety Nets: Exploring Available Sources of Emergency Funds
Nearly 60% of U.S. adults are uncomfortable with their level of emergency savings. Here are some potential ways to access funds.
LTCI Cost of Waiting
Estimate the potential cost of waiting to purchase a long-term care insurance policy.
College Funding
Use this calculator to estimate the cost of your child’s education, based on the variables you input.
Savings Goals
How much do you need to save each year to meet your long-term financial goals?